Siri Shortcuts and Automations

The Blink app now offers support for Siri Shortcuts*, currently available on iOS devices. With shortcuts, you can quickly perform everyday tasks like viewing a quick thumbnail or snoozing and unsnoozing your systems or cameras, either by tapping the shortcut in the Shortcuts app, or by asking Siri.

You can also use the Shortcuts app to set up automations based on custom conditions, like your location. For example, your system can automatically arm when you leave home and disarm when you return, making it easy to manage your system hands-free.

Creating a Shortcut

To create a Shortcut:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app . If you do not have the Shortcuts app installed, you can download it from the Apple App Store.
  2. Tap + in the upper-right corner.
  3. Use the Search bar and search for "Blink".
  4. Select one of the five supported Blink shortcuts: 
    • Device Quick Thumbnail
    • Light On/Off
    • Motion Detection On/Off
    • Start/Stop Notification Snooze
    • System Arm/Disarm

Each shortcut includes customization options. Select a shortcut below to learn how to configure it.

Device Quick Thumbnail

The Device Quick Thumbnail shortcut allows you to view a thumbnail image for the selected camera.

  1. Tap Device name, then select a device. To be prompted to select a device each time the shortcut runs, select Variables, then select Ask Each Time.
  2. Tap Done in the upper-right corner.

Light On/Off

The Light On/Off shortcut allows you to turn your floodlight or spotlight on or off and is compatible with the Floodlight Mount, Outdoor 4 Floodlight Mount, Wired Floodlight, and Mini 2.

  1. Tap On or Off, then select On, Off, or Ask Each Time. Selecting Ask Each Time will prompt you to select On or Off each time the shortcut runs.
  2. Tap Device name, then select a device. To be prompted to select a device each time the shortcut runs, select Variables, then select Ask Each Time.
  3. Tap Done in the upper-right corner.

Motion Detection On/Off

The Motion Detection On/Off shortcut allows you to turn motion detection on or off for your cameras and is compatible with all Blink cameras.

  1. Tap Turn On or Off, the select Motion Detection On, Motion Detection Off, or Ask Each Time. Selecting Ask Each Time will prompt you to select Motion Detection On or Motion Detection Off each time the shortcut runs.
  2. Tap Done in the upper-right corner.

Start/Stop Notification Snooze

The Start/Stop Notification Snooze shortcut allows you to snooze or unsnooze motion notifications for your systems or cameras and is compatible with all Blink cameras.

  1. Tap System or Device name, then select Device, System, or Ask Each Time. Selecting Ask Each Time will prompt you to choose a Device or System each time the shortcut runs.
  2. Tap Start or Stop, then select Start Snooze, Stop Snooze, or Ask Each Time. Selecting Ask Each Time will prompt you to choose Start Snooze or Stop Snooze each time the shortcut runs.
  3. Tap Device name and select a device. To be prompted to select a device each time the shortcut runs, select Variables, then Ask Each Time.
  4. If you previously selected Start Snooze, tap Snooze duration and select the desired snooze time. This option will not appear if you selected Stop Snooze.
  5. Tap Done in the upper-right corner.

Note: Custom Snooze is not available when using the Start/Stop Notification Snooze shortcut.


System Arm/Disarm

The System Arm/Disarm shortcut allows you to arm or disarm your systems and is compatible with all Blink cameras.

  1. Tap Arm or Disarm, then select Arm, Disarm, or Ask Each Time. Selecting Ask Each Time will prompt you to select arm or disarm each time the shortcut runs.
  2. Tap System name and select the system you want to Arm or Disarm. To be prompted to select a system each time the shortcut runs, select Variables, then Ask Each Time.
  3. Tap Done in the upper-right corner.

How to Run a Shortcut

After creating a shortcut, you can run it direct from the Shortcuts app, add it to your Home Screen, or by asking Siri.

Shortcuts App

To run a shortcut from the Shortcuts app:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app .
  2. Under All Shortcuts, tap the shortcut you want to run.

Learn more about running a shortcut from the Shortcuts app.


Home Screen

To run a shortcut directly from your Home Screen:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app .
  2. Under All Shortcuts, select the ... in the upper right corner of the shortcut you want to add to your Home Screen.
  3. From the bottom navigation bar, tap share.
  4. Tap Add to Home Screen.

Learn more about adding shortcuts to your Home Screen.



To run a shortcut by asking Siri, say "Hey Siri, [Shortcut Name]." Learn more about running shortcuts with Siri.


Setting Up Automations

Automations allow you to set up actions that run automatically based on triggers like location or time of day. For example, you could create an automation to arm your system whenever you leave a specific location, or to automatically arm your system every morning at a specific time.

To set up an automation: 

  1. Open the Shortcuts app .
  2. Tap Automations in the bottom navigation bar.
  3. If you’ve previously created an automation, tap in the upper-right corner. If this is your first automation tap New Automation.
  4. Choose a trigger, such as Time of Day (for time-based automation) or Arrive (for location-based automation). Configure the trigger based on the available options, including whether the automation should Run Immediately or Run After Confirmation, then tap Next.
  5. Select an existing shortcut you want to automate, or tap New Blank Automation
  6. Search for "Blink".
  7. Select one of the five supported Blink shortcuts to automate and configure the settings.
  8. Tap Done in the upper-right corner.

Managing Shortcuts

You can edit or delete shortcuts at any time from the Shortcuts app. Learn more about editing or deleting shortcuts.

*Siri and Shortcuts are trademarks of Apple Inc.

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