Risoluzione dei problemi relativi alla posta elettronica

Utilizza questo articolo per aiutarti a ricevere e-mail automatizzate Blink .

Le e-mail di sicurezza dell'account vengono inviate da no-reply@blinkforhome.com.

Sono autentici e pensati per garantire tranquillità.

Ecco un elenco di eventi in cui puoi aspettarti di ricevere email automatizzate da Blink .

E-mail di sicurezza dell'account da Blink

Account Security emails from Blink New Account Creation New user accounts created in the Blink app require an email ...

New Account Creation

New user accounts created in the Blink app require an email verification process.

Any new mobile device that accesses your Blink account generates an email describing the device.

When a system on your account is removed, you will be notified. The email includes the deleted system name.

Sync Module was deleted

When a Sync Module is deleted, the email includes the serial number and the name of the system it was attached to.

Camera was deleted

When a camera is deleted, the email includes the name of the deleted camera and its serial number.

Account was deleted

When an account is deleted, an email is sent to you describing this action.

Email was updated

When an account email address is changed, an email message is sent to the original address describing this action.

Forgot Password

Forgot Password is treated as a password reset request. When you start this process, an email is sent to your account containing a password update link that is valid for 24 hours.

Password was updated

When your account password is changed, an email is sent to you describing this action.


Non ho mai ricevuto l'e-mail

Uno di questi potrebbe far sì che l'email non venga visualizzata nella tua casella di posta:

  • Il server di posta elettronica di destinazione ha rifiutato il messaggio.
  • Il server di posta elettronica di destinazione ha ricevuto il messaggio, ma ha scelto di non accettarlo a causa di misure di sicurezza come risultati del filtro antispam, problemi di reputazione, ecc.
  • L'ISP sta limitando i messaggi in entrata e non ha ancora accettato la posta da Blink .

Cosa posso fare?

  • Utilizza la ricerca e-mail per trovare no-reply@blinkforhome.com.
  • Aggiungi no-reply@blinkforhome.com alla tua lista di contatti email.
  • Aggiungi no-reply@blinkforhome.com all'elenco dei mittenti approvati.

Suggerimenti per Gmail

  • Cerca nella categoria Promozioni nel caso in cui sia stata categorizzata automaticamente.
  • Se riesci a individuare l'e-mail in un'altra scheda o cartella, trascina l'e-mail nella posta in arrivo principale. Da quel momento in poi, Gmail continuerà a indirizzare le email Blink alla tua casella di posta principale.

Modifica le impostazioni nella tua app webmail

Come aggiungere Blink come contatto


  1. Visit https://contacts.google.com
  2. Click the button Create Contact and select Create a contact.
  3. Enter no-reply@blinkforhome.com as the contact email.
  4. Click Save.


Mobile App

  1. Tap on Settings from within your account.
  2. Then tap Filters.
  3. Select your Yahoo account in the Edit filter screen.
  4. Create a new filter that delivers all messages sent from no-reply@blinkforhome.com to your Inbox. Then tap the Checkmark when you're done.


Come sbloccare un mittente di posta elettronica

Email services such as Hotmail, MSN, Outlook.com, Gmail and Yahoo Mail can block emails that include "no-reply" as the sender. In a case when your email account needs to be verified, and emails from no-reply@blinkforhome.com aren't received in your inbox, you will need to unblock it in your email preferences.


  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Select View all Outlook settings.

  3. Select Mail.

  4. Select Junk email.

  5. In the Blocked Senders and domains sectionyou'll see a list of senders that you've blocked in the past.

  6. To remove an address, select the trash can next to the email address.

  7. Select Save.

  8. Close the Settings window.


  1. In the upper right corner, click the gear icon and select See all settings.
  2. From the top menu, click Filters and Blocked Address.

  3. This page will show you a list of all of the email addresses you have blocked. Find the address you’d like to receive emails from again, and click unblock.

  4. Confirm that you want to unblock this email address to start seeing their messages in your inbox again.

Yahoo Mail

  1. Go to Settings and click on More Settings on the bottom right of the screen.

  2. Click on Security and privacy in the left navigation to view any blocked addresses.

  3. Then click on the Contacts icon in the top left of the Home screen and Add a new contact at the bottom.

  4. Enter the name Blink and no-reply@blinkforhome.com in the email field.

  5. Click Save to create the new contact.


  1. Go to Settings on the top right of the screen and click on Email Settings.

  2. Select Filter Rules from the left menu and click on the Add new rule button.

  3. In the Create new rule screen enter a new name such as Blink.
    • Under Conditions select:
    • In Actions, choose Keep which is the default option.

  4. You will see your new rule listed in the Mail Filter Rules screen.


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