How to send a sample clip to support

If you are experiencing a video related issue with one of your cameras, please email Technical Support. You will receive a reply from our system that allows you to upload files and provide examples for our team to research. 

Once you have submitted the e-mail form and received a reply, follow these steps to provide a sample clip.

1. Choose a clip to send to Customer Service

From your home screen, tap Clips Clip Roll icon and tap the clip you want to send to support.

2. Share the clip

iOS devices

  1. Once the clip has finished playing, tap the Share icon in the top left. From the share menu, select Save Video to save a copy of the video in the Photos app on your device, or select your email app to send it directly.
  2. Once you save the video, return to your mail app to reply to our message. In the response we have sent, tap the arrow at the bottom of the screen and tap Reply. 
  3. Tap the white space in the e-mail message and you will reveal these options: Select, Select All, Quote Level.
  4. Tap the More arrow at the right of this pop up to reveal the option we are searching for.
  5. Tap Insert Photo or Video.
  6. Navigate to your Videos section and tap the clip you want to send.
  7. This will open the video where you can view to verify this is the correct clip. Then tap the Choose button. 

This will insert the video in your e-mail and you can type a description of the issue in the clip and tap Send. We will review your video and respond to your message.


Android devices

  1. Once you have finished watching the clip, tap the Download icon in the top left of the clip.
  2. Launch your preferred e-mail client from your home screen.
  3. Locate the e-mail thread you have going with customer service.
  4. Tap Attach (Paperclip icon).
  5. Select Attach file.
  6. Select Downloads from the list of locations.
  7. Select the file video_clip.mp4 from your Downloads folder.
Upon attaching the video to your e-mail, you can enter comments and send your message to customer service. We will review your video and respond to your message.

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